How it Works

How it Works

The length of the program will depend on what service you are being referred for. The program works with all court mandates, non-mandated individuals and can modify the length of any program to satisfy a variety of issues/needs. You will be expected to attend minimum one group session weekly and will be provided options of days and times to attend during your intake.

The agency works with clients who are mandated, voluntary or have a case pending.  The agency believes in the value of treatment and that an individual can begin to become oriented to the concepts being presented and a better understanding of their risk factors prior to accepting a resolution of their case.

Fees associated with your treatment experience are dependent on the program and services.

Anger Management, Domestic Violence / Batterers Intervention and Bias Education

  • Intake Fee- $100 (a onetime fee) and done for all new incoming clients as well as clients who have are seeking readmission after several months. 
  • Group Counseling - $60 per session 
  • Individual Counseling- $ 100.00-150.00 per session

B.A.R.K Program 

  • $550.00 for intake and 8 sessions.

DWI Evaluations

  • $200, and conducted over 2 parts. 

The agency is open evenings and Saturdays. All groups are provided in English and Spanish.

Your first time at the agency will be for an intake. You will be given a packet to fill out which will contain questions including current contact information, any accusations that may be leading you to treatment, criminal and/or family court involvement, educational and family history, substance and mental health history, current family and employment situation, and what you would like to get from treatment.

You will also be asked to sign several papers; releases of information, what to expect from counseling, rules of the agency, telemental health expectations and financial agreement. A staff member will meet with you and discuss any concerns you may have and assess any other issues that may need to be addressed before or during your treatment with the agency.

Each group is led by a trained group facilitator working from a curriculum specifically developed to assist clients. Groups may include the use of written exercises, audio visual materials, role plays and other materials as deemed appropriate by the facilitator and/or agency Director. Most importantly, you must be open to participating in an honest and meaningful manner to maximize the benefits of treatment.

The program cannot grant you an ability to accelerate e.g., attending more than once a week without the Judge’s permission. 

For many this may be their first experience in any type of treatment. We ask that everyone be respectful, be on time, attend with consistency the same group and follow agency rules.

You will not be allowed into group if you appear to be under the influence and the agency may request you submit to a breathalyzer (if in person). If you are attending counseling via telemental health and it appears that you are under the influence, you will be removed from group and will meet with a director or counselor. Attending treatment under the influence cannot and will not be tolerated given safety issues and a person’s ability to engage in the treatment process.

The agency will be reporting back to the Court and/or other legal entities (which will be discussed with you at your intake appointment ) as well as your progress, your attendance, treatment goals, and how you are progressing towards treatment goals. It is important that each individual take responsibility for their own treatment and seriously work with their group facilitator on treatment goals identified. Failing to seriously work towards treatment goals will result in a meeting with the Director to assess if you can continue with the Program.

The program accepts people who are 18 years and older.  For any referral pertaining to a young person 13-17, please go to for services.

Given the sensitivity of our counseling we understand you may want to bring someone with you during the intake process however while in treatment we cannot accommodate guests waiting for you due to confidentiality issues and COVID Protocols.

The agency and its staff are mandatory reporters under NYS law. Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment when they are presented with a reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment.

The staff are also mandated to report imminent danger to self or others and must by law take action to ensure public safety.

Specialized Services

QCC provides a myriad of services: Problematic Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Offenses, Domestic Violence/ Batterers Education, Anger Management, B.A.R.K Animal Cruelty Education and Prevention, Bias Education and DWI Evaluations.

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